To Rip Or Not To Rip

As the wise poet Ja Rule once said “It ain’t even a question.”

To my recollection, I have not pulled a rip card from a pack. I’ve been very lucky throughout my collecting days, but never had the fortune to land this particular type of card so far. Maybe this upcoming Ginter year will change […]

Card-ography #5 – Tony Gwynn

Welcome to Part 5. I missed the recent Blog Bat Around focusing on autographs and building a team with the signatures in their collection. I honestly don’t have enough autographs to make that workable anyway (unless I were to draw from pack pulled stuff I have sitting around that I haven’t sold or traded yet). […]

Back to the Dugout – Part 2

Welcome back! Here we are at part 2 of what I think should be a three-part series, showcasing the goods I acquired from Kyle at Nolan’s Dugout. Part 1 is available to you right here. That time, I shared the Maddux and Thomas cards from the trade. Today will be all of the Gwynns and […]

Introducing the John Lackey Collection

This is part two of a twenty-five part series chronicling my budding collections of the 2016 World Series champion Cubs. Obviously, I’ve already starting showing off some of those cards, but I wanted to offer a formal introduction to the various players. With my legacy player collections, I’m still going to attempt to show every […]

2018 Cubs – The First Ten Games

Another season, another attempt to track my team’s progress through baseball cards. Will I make it all the way through the year this time, or will I fall short like I do with virtually everything else I try?

Last year, I celebrated every win by showing off a card, and used it as an excuse […]

October 2017 Ebay Wins

Another month, another round of saved searches bearing gifts that I bought for myself. This was my birthday month, but I didn’t expand my budget. Even so, I wound up with quite a few good cards at a reasonable price. I have several months backlogged, so let’s just get into it.

fake 1997 patch […]

2017 NSCC #2 – Hitting the Dimebox Hard – Wood and Gwynn Edition

Back again with some more dimebox finds. If you missed the first part of this adventure, go ahead and read up on it here. These ten cent treasures were kind to me. It was interesting to see what kind of random stuff was in there. It had the appearance of a closeout sale from a […]

If I Were To Collect: Minnesota Twins Edition

[The twenty-seventh in a series: I’m picking one player that I associate with a team (whether they spent the majority of their career there or not) that I would strongly consider adding to my official want lists. They may not always be superstars, or the most popular, and honestly they may not always be my […]

A Warming Trade for an Annoying Cold

These past couple of days, I’ve been sick with a fun little cold, or flu (never really sure which). My wife had a friend visit us and I had to tuck away and isolate myself to avoid infecting either of them. That also meant I couldn’t join on the fun stuff they had planned. I […]

A Few Good Group Breaks

2017 was a decent year for me on a personal level. Aside from the last couple months of the year, I did find myself with more free time from work than I had the past few years (although this new position is going to be even better and would be the normal 9-5 schedule a […]