A few months ago, I worked out a trade with Cubs Fan Stan (https://www.cubsfanstan.com/). He serendipitously discovered through a twitter post I made about my selling on Sportlots that I had stuff he needed for his Sammy Sosa collection. A little back and forth and I sent him some of the Stadium giveaway cards that I got a few years back (as well as the season ticket holder stamped variations I bought from a guy on craigslist), and he sent me some good stuff I needed in return. It’s great meeting new Cubs fans and new trade partners and it looks like we’re already working on a second deal. While we both look forward to that, let’s look back at my take away from the first one.

They don’t make a card for leading in HBP
We’ll start a little small with a Rizzo league leader card. I didn’t buy a lot of 2017 Topps. To be honest, I’ve been relying on potential trades for these, so it’s great to have that start to work.

Surprised they didn’t have to blur the batman logo
Ah, the famous rain tarp catch. Honestly, it was a cool play, but not as mind blowing as people in Chicago treated it at the time. Rizzo had plenty of time to sort of camp and plan his steps to get the ball. Still a fun moment, for sure.

Glad I don’t need a million parallels of this too
As far as I know, Chrome didn’t add the Future Stars on the cards, although I could be wrong. Either way, this is an insert from 2017 Update. It’s the All-Rookie Cup team, I believe probably found in those mega boxes that I haven’t managed to try to search for.

There are parallels of this….
No reprint here. I don’t remember, but I think these are retail specific. I got a few in the packs I did open and they sold pretty well on Sportlots even without Bryant’s star power, so this is great.

I forgot he won this
This insert I know nothing about. I’m trying to stay up on things, but things still slip through the cracks. That’s where other people come in.

He’s on fire!
This was a surprise to see on his sportlots store. Here’s a flame red parallel from the Target exclusive Fire set. I opened a box of the stuff myself and trade bait from it will be posted at some point. I also have a second box unopened that I’m saving in case I decide to do a group break or something. In many trades this would be the cornerstone.

Deep in thought
However, it’s tough to top this! That’s not a reprint. I now have a Donruss rookie card! I haven’t been actively searching for one yet, but hell if I’m going to turn this beauty away.
Thanks a lot for the great trade, Stan! I look forward to trading with you again soon!
It was my pleasure! I’m working on more stuff to trade with you soon. 🙂 Thanks again!