Getting Ahead Of The Inevitable

Look, I know it’s coming. What’s the point in trying to deny it? There are times when I think I’m in the clear, but then when I least expect it…Blam!

Another trade package from Kerry, also known as Madding, also known as Cards on Cards arrives. It’s like he doesn’t even care that I’ve just […]

Can’t Spell “Really Big Card Trade” Without GCRL – Part 2

I’ve talked about how I’m very close to being caught up with trades. While I still have three new packages left to show off, I figured it may be a good idea to do a couple “part twos” so that future trade posts aren’t just bouncing back and forth between the same couple older packages. […]

A Big Hurt Health Update

Okay, I’m at least partially back. I had my gall bladder removed on 2/27, and I’m finally ready to have my laptop on my lap again. Having the weight on my legs isn’t the trouble, neither is carrying it up and down the stairs. The main problem is that weird movements cause pain and so […]

Introducing the Kyle Hendricks Collection

This is part eleven of a twenty-five part series chronicling my budding collections of the 2016 World Series champion Cubs. Obviously, I’ve already starting showing off some of those cards, but I wanted to offer a formal introduction to the various players. With my legacy player collections, I’m still going to attempt to show every […]

Not Jesting About This Mostly Retail Exclusive Trade

I think it may be about time to put up another round of trade bait. My second, and most recent wave, was a decent success. I also need to try to sell some bigger value cards (since those are tougher to trade). In short, I’m anxious to get stuff out of my house, but haven’t […]

The Cycle Continues

I just took some time off from blogging to update my 30+ player collection want lists. With so many products coming out from Topps, Panini and random other stuff from Leaf and possibly others (ITG, Baseball Treasures, ???), it has become completely untenable to stay up to date and add new sets as they arrive.


Enter Sandman

Twitter is fun place for sports cards. Other things, not so much. I’m not as active on there as I might like to be, but I’m trying to get better. I’m also not very good at following people on there, so if you’re a blogger or reader and I don’t follow you, let me know […]