In all the Gint-A-Cuffs preparation, I forgot to promote the heck fire out of the contest going at A Pack To Be Named Later!
All you have to do is look at the picture on the website and guess how many cards are in allllll those junkie type packs. It’s like the “How many jellybeans are in the jar” contest, except you’re not supposed to eat these. Topps says they’re choking hazards.
Oh, and the prize? Let’s just say it starts with the letter “J,” ends in “X” and is not a character from Mortal Kombat. Yes the depth of that link scares me too. Some people just have too much time on their hands. Let’s talk about baseball cards!
For those impatient souls waiting to see what we got from our 6 boxes of A&G, the time is nigh. The best box to use for scoring purposes has been identified, but hobby time has been sucked away by comedy website time lately.
So, yeah. Enter the contest. Unless you don’t like winning cards. If that’s the case, I have one last link for you that might be a little more exciting.
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