National Catch-Up – Gwynn Edition

Just like I did with Maddux and Thomas, and as I will do one more time after this, I am trying to use the looming NSCC as an excuse to show off some of the cards that I bought at my first National Convention back in 2015. I have a bunch of cards from 4 […]

Maddux Overload – 1996 Edition


The Dallas Cowboys won their third championship in 4 years (and haven’t won since).

Chicago, and Michael Jordan, returns to the NBA Finals to win their 4th title. This capped the record-breaking 72-10 season.

Devastation struck Atlanta when a bomb went off during the Summer Olympic games.

Stefi Graf, again, is one major away […]

Stay Tuned, Non-Trade Posts Coming Soon

I think I’m getting closer to conducting another group break here on the blog. It’s been a while since we’ve done anything interactive and things are slowing down enough for me where I can handle the spurts of work that goes into such a thing.

In the meantime, I’m back with the results of a […]