Older Birthday Cards

Every year I try to buy myself a card related birthday present. Sometimes, it’s boxes of cards so I can scratch the ripping itch. Other times, I’ve gone on a COMC binge to pick up a bunch of low cost additions. That’s what I did this year, and I went a little crazy with it […]

Still Undeserved

A little over a month ago, I posted the first part of a very large trade package I received from reader Nick M. It’s taken a while to find the drive to finish this post as work is picking up again, my house is still experiencing issues that need attention, and holiday stuff is starting […]

Forgot to Set My Watch, Man

Look, I ain’t no Harper Lee, but it sure feels like I’ve been making Cards on Cards wait a long time for the sequel to our trade post. For a refresher, here’s the first section with the oh so clever title. That post covered my other player collections. This one will be all Gwynn all […]

For The Greater Wood – Part 1

Second post in a row with a preamble. You may have noticed that there’s no blogroll on the side anymore. We did some wordpress updating and moved our hosting and it didn’t port over. I’m slowly working to find a good plugin to create a new blogroll, and hope to have it back up shortly.


Trade with For Cards Sake

Hey, everybody! Once again, sorry for the lack of posts lately. We’ve both been out of town for a wedding and didn’t have time to load up anything to run while we were gone. I need to up my production, and I’m going to start by finally acknowledging my side of a trade completed with […]