Introducing the Jon Lester Collection

This is part twelve of a twenty-five part series chronicling my budding collections of the 2016 World Series champion Cubs. Obviously, I’ve already starting showing off some of those cards, but I wanted to offer a formal introduction to the various players. With my legacy player collections, I’m still going to attempt to show every […]

A Big Hurt Health Update

Okay, I’m at least partially back. I had my gall bladder removed on 2/27, and I’m finally ready to have my laptop on my lap again. Having the weight on my legs isn’t the trouble, neither is carrying it up and down the stairs. The main problem is that weird movements cause pain and so […]

2018 Cubs – Fourteenth Ten Games

Yeah, I’m back to this already. I understand that these aren’t the most compelling posts, but it’s a good way to show off some cards without actually thinking of a coherent theme. I’m happy I’ve gotten this far into the project and I want to get up to date so I can see it through.


An Almost Timely Home Run Derby Post

Well, that was a fun derby!

I know there will be detractors for any and all formats of the event, but I personally like the timed format they’ve adopted over the 10 out structure. I do wish they would have equal AL and NL participants, but that’s more of a preference than anything. As long […]