Trading To Fill In Some Junk Wax Gaps – Part 4 of 4

I think I’m just about ready to start soliciting new trades again. The surgery sidelined me for a bit, and then other personal stuff kept me off the sidelines even further, but very soon I think I’ll be able to make something happen, and I have an exciting idea to announce with that to possibly […]

Can’t Spell “Really Big Card Trade” Without GCRL – Part 2

I’ve talked about how I’m very close to being caught up with trades. While I still have three new packages left to show off, I figured it may be a good idea to do a couple “part twos” so that future trade posts aren’t just bouncing back and forth between the same couple older packages. […]

Easy To Remember Sticker Trade

This may end up being my last post of the year – it’s tough to find the time to write with all this holiday stuff going on. There’s also a small chance this is my last post ever. WordPress desperately wants to update my blog, and I’m sure it’s way past due. The problem is […]

2017 NSCC #7 – Needles In A Haystack

The 2018 National is starting today and I will not be attending. Maybe I’ll go to Cleveland in a future year, but not this time. Further east seems like less of an option. I could drive to Ohio, but I don’t want to pay for a flight to go farther than that. The good news […]

A Big Trade with Mini Collector Bill – Part 6

So, I don’t know how many people read this blog, because the last time I turned on analytics, it broke the wordpress theme, and I’m too lazy to troubleshoot something I’m not trying to monetize.

But, if you do read regularly, how many of you noticed my recent attempts at a pattern? My goal is […]

An Almost Timely Home Run Derby Post

Well, that was a fun derby!

I know there will be detractors for any and all formats of the event, but I personally like the timed format they’ve adopted over the 10 out structure. I do wish they would have equal AL and NL participants, but that’s more of a preference than anything. As long […]

A Big Trade with Mini Collector Bill – Part 4

Back in late September, I posted the first part of a significant trade I made with Bill, then in April I got back on track and showed off part 2. May saw part 3, and here we are in June for part 4. As a quick refresher, he responded to some of my Gypsy Queen […]