Can’t Spell “Really Big Card Trade” Without GCRL – Part 5 of 5

I have a couple trade irons in the fire and recently got a couple packages from people as well. I’ve been away for a couple weeks due to some work things and haven’t fully logged everything. I also need to get some return packages together when I can find a little bit of a chance. […]

What Bowman Is Good For

Well, I think it’s safe to say that I missed the boat on Bowman-mania this year. And last year. And the year before. And….

No, I didn’t buy a single pack, and I’m certainly not going to spend extra money on packs that are priced above normal MSRP. I’ve never been the prospecting type and […]

Next Stop: A Trade From Last July

Alright, I got a nice chunk of trade bait up and depending on how well that’s received, I’m hoping to inject some different names in my recurring trade package posts. Very shortly, I plan to be more proactive in searching people’s want lists and coming to you as well. I do it on occasion with […]

A Hot Dog Of A Trade – Part 2 of 2

Time once again to check in with a name that should be familiar to frequent readers of the blog. Bill, known as minibbcards on the Trading Card Database (his want list is found here) sent me a huge stack of cards earlier in my World Series Cubs pursuit, and I was able to turn that […]

Can’t Spell “Really Big Card Trade” Without GCRL – Part 2

I’ve talked about how I’m very close to being caught up with trades. While I still have three new packages left to show off, I figured it may be a good idea to do a couple “part twos” so that future trade posts aren’t just bouncing back and forth between the same couple older packages. […]

Road To Opening Day

Baseball season is fast approaching. So fast, in fact, that the first game was actually played last night/this morning in Japan. The excitement that many feel with spring training is sure to quickly devolve into despair with the first 2-game losing streak of your favorite team. But, until then, anything can happen! This is the […]

Close to Caught Up With A Key Exception

Somehow, some way, I have virtually caught up on all my trade activities. There are a couple packages that arrived shortly before my surgery yet to be featured (4 of them in total), but otherwise, I’ve at least written one post on the rest. So, even though I have several multi-post trades to finish up, […]

2019 Goals

Well, I guess this new year is here to stay. I’m not one to make resolutions, but it can’t hurt too much to make some attainable goals for the year. I’ve thought about several different areas of life and hobbies and I wanted to touch on all of them here. Let’s get started in no […]

Surviving The Polar Vortex

I’m sure we’ve all heard about the polar vortex that hid the midwest this week. I’ve been through a few harsh winters, a couple of them have damaged my home and I’m just hoping that I’m protected well enough now.

As I write this, it is only -11 degrees F with a wind chill of […]

Not Jesting About This Mostly Retail Exclusive Trade

I think it may be about time to put up another round of trade bait. My second, and most recent wave, was a decent success. I also need to try to sell some bigger value cards (since those are tougher to trade). In short, I’m anxious to get stuff out of my house, but haven’t […]