Mad(dux) Men

Don Draper ain’t got nothing on the cardboard industry. Actually, the folks at Sterling Cooper, etc. etc. are much better at placing ads than card companies. Corporations will throw ads into everything. Billboards. Guerrilla Marketing. Product Placement. Promoted Content. Commercials for one product that also has other products in it.

I actually found it kind […]

Are We Having Fun Yet? I Am!

Today’s trade post comes courtesy of Nolan’s Dugout. I made this trade with him over a year ago (as is going to be the case for most of the trades you’ll see), so I don’t really remember everything we’re going to see today. Kyle doesn’t blog very much, which is a shame because his posts […]

All For Naught

It doesn’t happen too often, but occasionally bloggers will get cards out of the blue. Typically we’re not those guys. There’s usually a reason for us receiving something from somebody. And speaking just for myself, I’m fine with that. I get so wrapped up in the various aspects of my life that I can’t spend […]