Back in late September, I posted the first part of a significant trade I made with Bill, then in April I got back on track and showed off part 2. May saw part 3, and here we are in June for part 4. As a quick refresher, he responded to some of my Gypsy Queen trade bait posts and we worked out a nice, large exchange – mostly for my budding 2016 WS champ players. Far too many cards for one, or even a few posts. So, this is part 3 of many. As mentioned before, he doesn’t have a blog of his own, but he’s known as minibbcards on the Trading Card Database and his want lists are fantastic (and found here).
This time around, we’ll be looking at Stadium Club, Gypsy Queen and a couple other random pieces to round things out.

I’m going to assume night game
First up is an Arrieta card I’ve seen before, but in a different form. I pulled the rainbow foilboard #/25 from my box of this back in the day – before I started collecting him. However, I never got around to selling/trading it, so now I have that and this one!

Infield fly shots are underutilized
I don’t remember seeing this one. Any new Rizzo is a good Rizzo.

You’ll be smiling in a couple years
There’s something to be said for unique action shots, but I really like the simplicity of the green gradient background.

Dugout cards are used more than infield flies, but still not enough
Maybe I’m alone in this, but I still can’t get straight which design goes with which year by looking at the fronts alone. How much does it really matter, though? The photos are the focus.

Have a few minis and autos to chase
Edwards has a ton of prospect and rookie cards, but since he settled into the role of reliever, his presence in sets has dropped off. So, it’s great to see newer cards of his in trade packages.

Need some minis here too
Lester is in a bunch of sets. The Cubs bats get more attention in the smaller ones, but if they do include pitchers, he typically makes the cut.

Make a wish on Zoltar
In 2017, Topps removed the tobacco sized minis and left us with only these less wide fortune teller cards. Personally, I’m happy because I hate the minis and their never ending permutations. Bill probably isn’t thrilled.

Not Panini’s “Finest”
Like I said, we’ll end on a couple random cards of Lester. I actually kind of miss Panini Prizm. This first set was a bit rough, but it got better over time.

Not throwing to first
I don’t have a lot to say about this other than to say that Lester may be earning himself an All-Star slot again this year. Time will tell, but his season is quietly good enough in my opinion.
Thanks again to Bill for all the great cards. I still have about 4 more parts to go, if you can believe it. I’m not sure where we go next on this adventure, but hopefully you’ll all join me. Maybe I’ll even post it before the month is out.
Thanks again for the promotion. And good luck in India, I spent 3 weeks there on business about 10 years ago and there are definitely high highs and low lows. I did develop a new appreciation of Indian food and never complain about road traffic in America again. Minibbcards