With all my time away from home recently, I had let my new acquisitions pile up, unscanned. As far as Ebay stuff is concerned, I finally got around to logging them in my want lists and digitizing them for future posts through May.
March was a lighter month for me. Work was getting really busy at this time as the reporting deadline approached, so my priority was to the 2000+ data submissions I had to monitor and cross-reference/triple check for accuracy. It left less time for cards. I still found a way to get a small stack, though. I almost always do.

Perfect fielding position
Starting with this Bowman paper blue. This is not the kind of card I would search for, but as we’ve seen in the past, it came from a seller where I bought something else. I paired this with a BIN for a pink parallel you’ll see below.

Not sticking these in the album
This may look like an unusual purchase, but I collect the MLB Sticker albums each year. I’m still in need of A LOT, so if you want to trade, check out my want/have lists. The past two years, they’ve bastardized the thing by putting stickers into Opening Day as case hits. You can read my rant about it on this linked post. I found a breaker that had the whole set for a low price and jumped on it. Haven’t seen one cheaper since.

Leading the league in cheap ebay wins
This is not the pink I was talking about. This is a typical auction win. Patience pays off as I ignore all the higher priced starting bids for months.

A lot of parallels to go
This is what came with the Maddux. I don’t do a lot of BINs, but if the card is listed for the same price or lower than a minimum bid + s/h, then yeah, I’ll take it. These parallels look better on the horizontal cards.

Spanish for “The Mago”
Lastly, we have what was my very first 2018 card acquired. Through March I had not bought any 2018 packs (I have since) and all the auctions were still too high. I don’t know how I lucked into this Baez blaster manu-relic thing, since it’s numbered out of 50. Every once in a while things go my way, even if work (at the time) wasn’t. April is when I was set free. We’ll see if the purchases reflected that.
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