Welcome to part two of the July card auction explosion. I hope everyone enjoyed the first part. If you missed it, check out the link, because it was full of fun stuff including a rip card (spoiler!)
I’m going to keep the party going here and start off with another big card and end with a bigger one. July may have been my best month since I started doing these monthly updates.

I thought the dugout compartments were part of the design at first
Yeah, here’s another Bryant #/50 that I won for less than $5. Although this time it wasn’t because of Bunt Syndrome. It wasn’t poor labeling on the auction either. I just happened to get really lucky and found no competition for this gold refractor. I don’t get it, but I’m glad to have gotten it.

Need more Contreras cards
I’m having fun going after these Big League cards. They’re kind of like the new Bunt in that they’re cheap and easy to get. I do want to go for a master set of the stuff, but need to actually break down and buy a box first.

Don’t see a lot of /100 cards these days
I’m pretty sure the set was brand new when I started winning these auctions. Great time to do it.

Most are /99 instead to add that extra level of special
Tough to see, but you can guess this is the rainbow foil version as well. Pretty good start in my parallel hunt, and I’m glad there are only a couple of numbered levels.

Green refractors are some of the best
Like the Inceptions from last post, I have a tough time knowing and remembering which Finest parallels I have.

2018 was the year of the slides in all sets, I guess
Let’s hope that this young prospect Lester can make it in the big leagues.

Need him back in the lineup
Slowly chipping away at the Heywards from 2018. Starting with the vintage stock, which are tougher to land for me this year. In fact, this might be the first one so far.

Kind of like a stage curtain
I think this is the first black parallel this year as well. They’re pretty recognizable, which is great. I think the parallels more than the design will help me remember which year it is.

Don’t move the doom tracker
I showed the Rizzo last time. It’s Kyle’s turn today. I know more people won’t get this reference, but these remind me of the board game Eldritch Horror with the map look and the circle that is perfect for a gate leading to an elder god.

Throwback cut up
I don’t bid on many relics and win fewer of them. I actually didn’t fully intend to win this auction. I bid on this and another player from the same seller thinking I was for sure going to win the other one and then this would be fine to add with combined shipping if it worked out. Well, this was the only one that made it’s way to me.

Three more to go
You may be surprised that I didn’t have this Carlos Marmol already. In the earlier days, I was holding out to see if a version would appear that had his jersey number, because there are a lot of stickers signed that did. Maybe this was too early in his career since it is his first autograph and was likely still a prospect. With this addition, I’m down to needing only three more autographs – all of them are from the 2008 Stadium Club Beam Team set & parallels. Let me know if you have a lead on them.

Did not buy for the Expos, that’s just a bonus
Here’s the biggest acquisition of the month. Yes, another Tony Gwynn auto. I’m really enjoying picking these off here and there. Even though they’ve gone up in price overall since his passing, they’re still pretty cheap since he signed so much. In fact, there are a couple other co-signers I need to go for from this set, but this pairing is the most common I’ve seen. Finally found one that dropped to my range.
This is one of the first Gwynn autographs I ever added to my PC. Co-Signers was such a great autograph set. The idea that both athletes held this card at some point is pretty cool.
That’s awesome! I have been watching it for a while. I’m glad they kept the auto set going for so long, too. I had a different co-signers with Gwynn and Karim Garcia, but I think having both of them on one side.