Have You Seen This Card Update!

Remember this post, where I mentioned I had that basketball card that wasn’t on any of the Panini Prestige checklists I could find?  Well, hide the women and children.  The mere mention of this card’s existence may send the masses into an uproar.  Board up your windows.  Batten down the hatches.  Dust off those bomb shelters.  Here it comes…  From nowhere….  The INVISIBLE CARD!!!!!!!!

TOO HOT FOR PACKS!!!! <sizzle>

The card that's unfit for public consumption!

I finally got an update from Panini about it.  If you had voted in the poll you would have won with a guess around 45 days.  Here’s their official (?) response on my open ticket with them:

“Hi Jon,
The card is not listed on any checklist because the card was suppose to be removed from the product however some were released. Thank you.”

A forbidden card!!  The card that never was!

I have no idea how many were accidentally included in the product, and I don’t really have the investigative reporter aspirations to find out.  Until I hear otherwise, I’m going to assume that mine is the only one.

That’s right.  I’m calling it a 1/1.

Regardless, even if there are a couple hundred or more that were leaked; even if the ability to pull one has the same odds as any other card in the set, I’m quite content knowing I opened a pack that contained a secret card that no one was supposed to know about.  I doubt that will ever happen again in my life.

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