State of Affairs

Quite a bit has happened since my last blog post, and a lot will likely happen in the next couple weeks, so I thought it best to give a quick rundown.

Since my last post, work has kicked my ass.  It’s a finicky position where I don’t fully know when I will be extremely busy and when I will be merely very busy.  Lately, it has been the latter, leaving the smallest of margins for anything card related.

Then, this past weekend, rain fell down on top of the 8-10 inches of snow that resided on my flat roof and found a hole big enough to seep into my house.  Luckily, nothing important got ruined. No personal possessions of any kind were affected, but the water did make its way down past the third floor to leak and drip on the second floor.  Water ran down inside the walls, and got in between the levels and soaked an isolated spot of our bedroom carpet from underneath. It could have been worse, and hopefully our insurance will cover most everything, but there’s a lot that still needs to be done to fix things.

Thankfully, this occurred at a time when work is slowing down.  Hope it stays that way for the near future.

Oh, and two of my player collection guys were elected into the Hall of Fame.  Yup, my collecting habit just got a little bit more expensive.  I knew this time would come.  Luckily, I have a good head start.  With over 1,000 unique Greg Maddux cards and close to 500 unique Frank Thomas cards, I’m in good shape.  Still a long way to go, and I hope to boost those numbers even higher in 2014.

Okay, so that’s where I’ve been (mostly at my desk working, partly scrambling to put buckets and pails on floors, some quiet celebrating to myself).  Where am I going?

Well, first, I hope to complete more trades. I’ve been tough to get a hold of lately. I can’t guarantee I’ll be around regularly, but I can make a better effort.  I also have more trades in my possession to show off.  A lot of big trades.  I have part 2 of my “Greater Wood” just about ready, but there are several other scan heavy exchanges to come.  I’m really excited about a lot of these cards.

I’m going to get back to the trade bait posts.  I’m done opening the packs, and you don’t want to miss some of the great finds in those birthday boxes.

I also have my Christmas cards to unwrap.  My wife gave me $100 to do as I pleased. I made my first COMC purchase with it and got..well, you’ll see.  It’s still at the post office, so I’ll see soon too.

But the biggest news is that Andy and I are going to getting back into case breaking!  Yes, after a year hiatus, we think we can actually devote the time to rip a few products.  The even better news is that we’ve dissolved the corporation and it’s all out of our real pockets, so we’ll have more leeway than before.

First stop in the case train is 5 Jumbo Cases of 2014 Topps Series 1.  Go big or go to your crappy, water damaged home. That’s what we always say!

Be sure to stay tuned here, and on twitter. We’ll be talking about the break and posting links to our ebay auctions (still hoping to make a profit, after all).  I’m excited!

4 comments to State of Affairs

  • Play at the Plate

    Sorry to hear about the water damage problems. I understand being unable to focus on cards. I’ve been sick for most of the last week and just now came back to work. I’m trying to round up some stuff for you.

    Glad to hear you and Andy are busting some Topps! I’m interested in the Rangers stuff so let me know what you pull before you hit the Bay and maybe I can help you avoid some fees.

  • Sucks about the water damage to your house, good luck trying to get if fixed and clean up. Glad to hear you are getting back into case breaks, keep me in mind for any Giants – I am looking forward to the Series 1 release!

  • I have to consider myself lucky that our crazy weather issues are generally pretty wimpy compared to a lot of parts of the country.

    I’ll have to keep an eye out for that case break. I participated in one for 2013 Series 1 and was pleased.

  • Ugh. We had the big three feet of snow in 24 hours and then it all melted (all of it!) in another 24 hours. I was so freaked out about flooding and leakage but escaped unscathed. I know that doesn’t do you any good, but at least I feel your pain!

    I remember the good ol’ days of your box breaks. I don’t know if I’m up for 2014 Topps but you guys returning might be enough to convince me.

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