Can’t Spell “Really Big Card Trade” Without GCRL – Part 1

I’ve been lucky to have several trade partners this second half of the year. That second wave of trade bait worked better than I anticipated, to the point where I didn’t feel very prepared.

Clearly I’m not all that prepared to thank everyone quickly either, but hey, it’s something to work on in 2019. That […]

Trade Package To Be Named Later

With all the crazy MLB trade activity going on in July and August, you hear about that infamous Player to be Named Later thing. It’s a very common tactic among clubs to say that they’ll test drive the main attraction for a month or two and then decide how much he’s actually worth.

Greg, otherwise […]

Introducing the Dexter Fowler Collection

This is a series I’ve thought about doing for a little while. Those that read the blog with moderate consistency will know that I am collecting most of the 2016 World Series champion Cubs. Obviously, I’ve already starting showing off some of those cards, but I wanted to offer a formal introduction to the various […]

Ginter? I barely knower!

Hey, remember how I still have a bunch of 18 month old trades to post? I do. The great Nachos Grande sent me some stuff a long time ago in exchange for some of the Topps online die cut thingies. The dude loves to trade, and he’s a great trade partner. You should all help […]

People Still Make Trade Posts, Right?

One of the side effects of being away from the blog for over a year is that when you go back to trade posts, you completely forget what the trade was or what you sent.

That’s just a side effect. I don’t really care what I sent over. If the cards were that important to […]