Million Card Hornswoggle

I had another post planned for tonight, but instead I’m going back to the Topps Million Card well.

For a while now, Andy and I have had two unused codes sitting and waiting for the magic moment where it starts spitting out nothing but good stuff again.  I check the site every once in a while to see if the time is right, and there was a long stretch where the mix was good, but it was still a mix.  I wasn’t about to waste one of our last two codes on a crap shoot.  Sure they have 60’s on the list, but there’s also 2000’s, and I’m not taking those odds anymore.

Well, imagine my surprise when I see this:

Okay, I can deal with this. Vintage all the way, right?

Hot damn, the ATM is spitting out $20’s again ma!  Grab the pilla cases.  Obviously, I pulled the trigger.  Here’s what I got for my diligence and patience.

I think Expos Leaders is an oxymoron

This is available for trade.  Don’t all rush at once.

Looking at that list again after being duped like this, I did see a sole 1989 on the list that I didn’t see before in my haste and excitement.  Fundamentals kids.  Remember your fundamentals.  I really Soriano-ed this one.

And in case you’re wondering, here’s what the list looked like when I refreshed.

This is the Unlocked List I know so well.

I wouldn’t have touched this with a ten foot Dick Pole.  Live and learn, I guess.  Live and learn.  There will be more code cards (series 2 isn’t that far away), and we still have one left.  I’m sure that one has the Mantle.

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