Holy Hawk, cardfolk! Our very first contest has come to a close and was a rousing success! We had 19 entries, most of which were from first-time commenters (hence the sometimes annoying comment approval delay- sorry about that, Craig!). We can’t thank you all enough for the support of our first contest and can’t wait to run our next one… I guess we’ll need to get more cards to give away as prizes!
But enough jibber jabber. Below you will see the results of the 100+ packs we opened…
Can you handle it?

Remind me to run an Al Oliver contest some day. Those cheeks!
Okay, for realsies…
That’s right! A whopping 5 awesome Dawson cards. Way fewer than we expected and, indeed, way fewer than most guessed! Let this be a lesson to all of you considering buying one of those tempting wax pack lots… you WILL get burned! Even the packs that aren’t Croatian Speed Snorkeling-related will bum you out!
But you know who didn’t get burned and who won’t be bummed out?! A very enthusiastic Mark from Mark’s Ephemera!
So, Mark, drop us a line at our blog’s name at Google’s fine mail service and get us your address, because these two puppies are heading your way!
And thanks so much again to everyone who participated! To our friend Craig, whose answer was nixed twice by comment-approval-delay (CAD), if you’re still reading, drop us a line and we’ll send you the Dawsons we pulled for being such a good sport while we worked out the kinks. Thanks for being a part of it!
Woo! Congrat’s Mark!
Dangit!!! Off by one. Congratulations to Mark.
By the way, in the photo caption, you guys mention Al Oliver’s cheeks. FYI, Mr. Oliver isn’t known for his cheeks, but the size of his “bat.” You can sort of tell by glancing at the Expos picture, but apparently, Al is known as the Milton Berle of baseball players, and not for his sense of humor.
Whee-hee! Henceforth 5 shall be my new lucky number. Unless someone else picks it first. Thanks, guys.