I have very few card collections given my limited resources and space, but I did decide some time ago to begin collecting on-card Royals autographs. It’s been a blast so far trying to track these things down and this is the latest addition to my collection. To view the cards currently in the collection, take a look at the Gallery or the other posts in this series. I’m working on getting a legit want list together on my trade page but, in the meantime, if you have any on-card Royals autos that it looks like I don’t have, don’t hesitate to drop me a line!

Rest easy. You won't need that bat.
I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have a famous sibling. Whether for good or for bad. In Jeremy Giambi’s case, he got a bit of both I guess. His brother, Jason, of course, was a starting slugger for the New York Yankees until steroid allegations brought him down. He never really recovered from the effects of those allegations (and subsequent apology).
Jeremy had a less storied career that also included admitting to using steroids and whose legacy is marred by “the flip”. Fairly or not, Jeremy’s career just didn’t get the steam of his brother’s.
That must take a toll on a relationship. And there are plenty of those in sports. Greg and Mike Maddux come instantly to mind. Anyone have any others to throw out there?
I have a brother and a sister and all of us lead normal lives away from the spotlight. We get along famously, but without the pressure of the media comparing us. Someone needs to make a good documentary about how that type of pressure affects a sibling relationship. I’m fascinated by it.
Ozzie and Jose Canseco, Jim and Kyle Abbott, Joe and his brothers (though they weren’t horrible), Ken and Craig Griffey come to mind – and they’re all the same era!
I was thinking of Hank and Tommie Aaron, but the Cansecos would probably be the best example since they are twins.