For the Night Crowd – Group Break Reminder And $3 Off Discount Today Only

**Sorry for the double post, but I’d really like to get a few more teams claimed if at all possible. Every little bit helps, right?**

Hey, everybody!  The Group Break deadline is coming up very very fast and too many good teams are still without homes.  I’d like to change that by offering a 1 day only discount!

If you claim AND pay by the end of the day today, I’m going to knock $3 off the current prices for each level seen below. AND you’ll still get the $2 discount for advertising the break on your blog.  I’d love to fill this sucker up.  It’s not looking like it will happen, but you never know.

I’ll be at work, so I won’t be able to moderate comments as fast, but if anyone’s interested in picking up several teams, just email me and we’ll try to work out a deal.

You can find all the details here for my upcoming Group Break (aka Community Break).  Please comment and sign-up on the original post.

It’s coming up faster than you may think.  I’m breaking the boxes wide open on Friday, October 26, so I’d like to get more teams claimed and paid for before then.

I know the prices may seem high, but when you think about it, even at the highest price still open, it’s only $3 per box for all the cards from you team.  How are the Red Sox and Tigers not taken yet?  Braves at a discount?  Crazy talk!

There are a whopping TEN guaranteed hits to be found in this break.  Don’t let the big one slip away!

This is all thanks to our break sponsor BASEBALL CARD EXCHANGE.

Any other teams older than 1961 are Level 2 — $24.00

Boston Red Sox –
Detroit Tigers – 
Minnesota Twins –
Oakland Athletics – 
Pittsburgh Pirates –
San Francisco Giants –

Any team started between 1961 to 1976 are Level 3 — $18.00

Anaheim Angels –
*Atlanta Braves – 
Kansas City Royals –
Milwaukee Brewers –
Texas Rangers –

Any team newer than 1976 are Level 4 — $12.00

Arizona Diamondbacks –
Florida Marlins –
*San Diego Padres –
Tampa Bay Devil Rays –

*teams with an asterisk, please see the original post for details.

2 comments to For the Night Crowd – Group Break Reminder And $3 Off Discount Today Only

  • Play at the Plate

    Ranger me. Email coming!

  • TheCardBandit

    I’m a frequent reader of your blog, was just wondering if this was,opened to the general public ie. me, or is this just for the circle of blogger community? If it is open ill gladly take the Tigers just point me to the Paypal info and lemme know where to send my info.

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