With my card purchases down to virtually zero, it’s time to ramp up the trades. I have a ton of cards just sitting around that are waiting to find new homes. I’m looking to start a semi-weekly post series (subject to change due to work schedules, personal commitments, blackouts and other time availability) to showcase some of those cards and see if we can’t help each other out.
I will warn you that the majority of the posts early on will revolve around a set that many dread: Moments & Milestones. Now, before you get up and walk away, I am going to sprinkle in some links to other posts related to players I pull, so you may still want to pay attention.
Why Moments & Milestones? Well, because I have a lot of it. Aside from the 2 boxes that I opened and gave away in my pack lottery contest, I have opened 3 more boxes (2 2007 and 1 2008) that I never showed off on here. I actually have a 4th box that I’ve been saving for a rainy day. Since it’s metaphorically raining, I’m opening a pack each day and I’ll post a couple packs worth of trade bait each time. For every pack, I’ll also scan and post every other M&M card I have available for that player. Sound good?

Pack 1
Starting off strong with a blue #/10. I didn’t have any other M&M Magglio cards, but if you’re interested, I do also have the really cool On-Deck Circle relic #/90 from my recent group break and another normal jersey relic from Fleer Authentix.
Now, remember, I’m opening 1 pack a day from this box. So far I’ve opened 3 – only showing 2 today. So, there may be additional cards of some of these players that come out of the still unopened portion, but here’s what else I have of these guys.

More Tim and Pedro
The 2008 black Tim is #/25 and the 2007 black Pedros are #/29.

More Pedros

That's a lot of back
Only one other Joba, but a bunch of CCs and a few more Kazmirs. But I have one more Kazmir to offer up so far as you’ll see.

Pack 3
Wow, what a crazy pack this turned out to be. I’ll show pack 2 next time, I just wanted to lump the Red 1/1 Scott Kazmir in with the rest of his cards. Any Rays fans out there interested? Aside from the 1/1, which falls about 1:2 boxes, I already found my first of two expected autos.
Now, I don’t have any other M&M Rollins’, but plenty of other guys to around.

Anyone like ManRam?
Okay, only 1 other Granderson, but a bunch of Manny’s ready to be had.

Just about all the Hanleys I have for trade.

Some more good stuff
Opening 3 boxes will net you 6 autos and a bunch of parallels. Since we’ve found 1 auto, I thought it was worth offering up half of the previous findings. I’m saving the better of the 6 for last. Still, between Kazmir, Riggans and Fuld, it’s a field day for Rays fans.
I know that these posts won’t all be as hit-filled, but hopefully if you keep coming back, you’ll find something that catches your eye.
I’d love to take that Rollins off your hands. I’ve got a couple of Castro and Gwynn cards that I think you need.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
@PATP – I’m sure there’ll be some Rangers in the box somewhere. If not, there have to be some in the other 3 I opened way back.
@Amy – Consider the Rollins yours. Stay tuned for the next installment. There will be some other Phillies in the batch you may want me to add to your stack.
Hope you find some takers for these.
Hopin’ to see some Rangers.
Would definitely be interested in any or all of the Astros from this series! If no one else claims any!