We’re at the point in this series where I legitimately can’t tell you anything about what happened during the games. Yup. Before it was just a specific decision made so I didn’t simply rehash game recaps. Now, there’s no way I would go back and research specific days. That sounds like work.
I think everyone knows how much I hate work.
I hate work just about as much as Kerry Wood hates smiling in baseball card pictures
Look, I can’t even be bothered to write anything other than how much I hate work.
This isn’t about cards at all. I’m not even talking about Kerry Wood or the Cubs at all and the post is almost over.
So…how about those Cubs? They’ve been winning a lot, right? That’s a good thing.
Oh, look at that. We’re out of time. Thanks to our sponsors. Join us next post for more in depth analysis and incredible humor.
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