The dust is starting to settle after the 2017 National. It’s been about a week since it ended and I’m slowly getting organized. Work has put me severely behind and reduced my free time to an anger-inducing extent. I still have to catalog and scan hundreds of cards, so posts about the show and updated want lists will come later.
I’m also behind on trade posts. Part of that is I’m trying not to inundate the blog with them, and the other part is that whole time issue that always pops up. Anybody looking to hire a person with Project Management skill sets for a telecommute job that doesn’t require insane amounts of overtime?
Anyway, a few months ago, I was able to finalize a trade initiated through twitter when I showed off some cards I pulled from a blaster or two. Shane, also known on twitter as SportsManiaCard primarily will sell cards for cheap on his timeline, but we were able to work out a swap where I sent some Astros, Trouts and Harpers his way, and he gave me a healthy stack of new cardboard. It’s more than I can show in one post, but let’s take a look at some of the new additions.

Should have the rank in the big circle
We start off with an Ultra insert theme they did for a few years. Top 30 doesn’t explain where in the scale each player lands, but if card number is an indication, Maddux is #7

Really worried about that flaming ball
When the apocalypse hits, Maddux will still be the ERA leader, even if he is pitching with only two fingers.

Need the refractor one too
The mystery has been solved. If anyone has an unpeeled one, I’d be happy to trade for that as well. I know it may not be Maddux and could be one of 3 other players, but that’s alright.

Foil don’t scan
It’s hard to read, but this is for ERA leaders (not during the apocalypse). Maybe if I find the chrome version, it will show up a bit better.

Don’t need a third as I don’t have a Clemens collection
I think I had this card for the Kerry Wood binder, but not for the Maddux binder. Consider that rectified!

Also no Cecil collection
I’m shocked I didn’t have this. It’s probably in my parents’ basement somewhere, but this is a much easier way.

Placeholder text replaced
In a bit of foreshadowing, here’s an MVP card before he won his first of back-to-back awards. If only all cards worked that way.

Gallery Kings
I had completely forgotten that Triple Play had these art cards by Dick Perez. It’s great to see classier cards in a budget release.

Suitable for framing
To finish off this edition, we have a second year Leaf card for the Big Hurt. This was a big deal when I was a kid. Not as big as 1990 Leaf, which was pretty much out of my price range except for a couple packs, but still big. Hell, this card is still a big deal to me. Speaking of 1990 Leaf, you may be seeing that in a blog post in the near future. That’s a story for another time.
Thank you very much, Shane! Please give the guy a follow if you aren’t already, and someday in the future we’ll see more of the Frank Thomas cards he sent my way. Time permitting, of course.
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