National Catch-Up – Gwynn Edition

Just like I did with Maddux and Thomas, and as I will do one more time after this, I am trying to use the looming NSCC as an excuse to show off some of the cards that I bought at my first National Convention back in 2015. I have a bunch of cards from 4 […]

There’s No Team In Sets

One of my favorite early day inserts where those player specific sets that Fleer/Leaf put out. I looked forward to seeing which player would be chosen for that special 10-card tribute. So many worthy names and so many ended up getting passed over because only one per series could get that honor.

These days, Topps […]

Maddux Overload – 2002 Edition


The New England Patriots beat the St. Louis Rams for their first NFL championship shortly after the tragic events of 9/11, so a lot of people put extra meaning on that team winning, but I’ll let you decide if it was warranted.

The Los Angeles Lakers win their third straight title, this time against […]

Maddux Overload – 2001 Edition


The Baltimore Ravens beat the New York Giants to become NFL champions, which some people actually care about for whatever reason.

The Los Angeles Lakers win another title, this time against the ’76ers. Michael Jordan also un-retired again and joined the Wizards but it wasn’t enough to get me to watch basketball again. On […]

Documenting an Angel of a Trade – Part 6 of 6

This is only my second post in October. Maybe I’ll get into why that is another time. All I’ll really say is that I’m now even farther behind on everything. I’ve mentioned it before, but I have a couple newer trades that still have not been showcased, and more new trades have come in the […]

Trading To Fill In Some Junk Wax Gaps – Part 2

I’m working on getting another round of trade packages out in the mail from my latest week of trade bait posts. I think I only gained one completely new trade partner in that cycle, but ultimately found more success. That means with several new mailers incoming, I need to work to catch up on the […]

Decidedly Not Red Cardboard – A Trade with Red Cardboard

My goodness does time fly. There are trades initiated in November of last year that I still haven’t posted on here yet. I’m sorry to anyone else who is still waiting for their cards and thanks to show their face. I’m a work in progress. The good news for me is that this will be […]

Back to the Dugout – Part 3 of 3

Alright. Two months have passed since the last installment of this trade package. I really need to get better about staying up to date on these things. Anyway, as a quick recap, these are from Kyle at Nolan’s Dugout. If you want to revisit part 1, it is available to you right here. Part 2 […]

Back to the Dugout – Part 2

Welcome back! Here we are at part 2 of what I think should be a three-part series, showcasing the goods I acquired from Kyle at Nolan’s Dugout. Part 1 is available to you right here. That time, I shared the Maddux and Thomas cards from the trade. Today will be all of the Gwynns and […]

Maddux Overload – 1999 Edition


The Denver Broncos repeat as NFL champions, taking out the Atlanta Falcons.

The San Antonio Spurs take advantage of a Jordan-less NBA and deny the New York Knicks a championship. On the WNBA side, the Houston Comets continue to dominate with their third straight title (also over New York).

Michael Johnson set a new […]