Digging Out From the Trade Backlog (Trade with Nolan’s Dugout) – Part 4

If you missed part one of the loot I received from Kyle at Nolan’s Dugout, then click on this link. If you missed part two…here. And three.

As a quick recap, I sent him some Topps online exclusive code giveaway die cuts, and he sent me stuff I could actually use. A lot of stuff. […]

When You Can’t Buy Anything New

I’m sure all of us have been in a budget crunch situation multiple times in our lives. It’s only natural to see cash ebb as well as flow. I’m in the middle of an “ebb” cycle, and I’m expecting to stay firmly there until at least after the holidays.

That means no buying new cards. […]

My Frank Thomas and Tony Gwynn Collections Have Officially Started

You can find the links to the spreadsheets listing which cards I have and need at this link right here.

I should also mention that my Kerry Wood list is also up there. I didn’t put him in the title, because the title was too long to begin with, and AdamE didn’t send me any […]