Mad(dux) Men

Don Draper ain’t got nothing on the cardboard industry. Actually, the folks at Sterling Cooper, etc. etc. are much better at placing ads than card companies. Corporations will throw ads into everything. Billboards. Guerrilla Marketing. Product Placement. Promoted Content. Commercials for one product that also has other products in it.

I actually found it kind […]

When You Can’t Buy Anything New

I’m sure all of us have been in a budget crunch situation multiple times in our lives. It’s only natural to see cash ebb as well as flow. I’m in the middle of an “ebb” cycle, and I’m expecting to stay firmly there until at least after the holidays.

That means no buying new cards. […]

So We Meet A-Gwynn

We’ve been down this road before.

It’s a good road. It’s a fun-filled road with interesting treasures to be discovered. A road laced with history.

But this is a fragile road because it’s made of cardboard.

It’s also a never-ending road to nowhere, because I don’t know what kind of metaphor or analogy or introduction […]

The Henchmeister, Trading Some Cards.

Hench. The Henchmeister.

The Henchback of Notre Dame.

Turner and Hench.


Sorry, I’m sure he gets that a lot, but I couldn’t resist. And yes, I copied the text you see when you roll over his link on our blog roll (if anyone even notices that exists), but that’s only because I’m not creative […]

Buckle Up. It’s A Long Road

If you’re wondering why I haven’t posted in a week, maybe what you’re about to see will explain it. You’re going to be treated to a very short introduction this time, because I’m writing 3,000 words or so overall on this doozy of a trade. Things like this take time you know.

The cards below […]