A Trade Four Years in the Making (Sort of)

Trade bait posts are a wonderful thing. Most of the time, they’ll get a response within the first week if they’re going to get any traction at all.

However, those posts stay active. They still exist. Even now. And on rare occasion, people will find those posts and inquire about trading for some of those […]

2015 NSCC #9 – Preparing for 2017

I’m very much itching to get back to the National and I finally bought my tickets. It’s been hit or miss as to whether or not I would be able to get there, but as of now, I’m going to make it.

Work was (and still is) the biggest obstacle. I requested the days off, […]

Maddux Overload – 1996 Edition


The Dallas Cowboys won their third championship in 4 years (and haven’t won since).

Chicago, and Michael Jordan, returns to the NBA Finals to win their 4th title. This capped the record-breaking 72-10 season.

Devastation struck Atlanta when a bomb went off during the Summer Olympic games.

Stefi Graf, again, is one major away […]

People Still Make Trade Posts, Right?

One of the side effects of being away from the blog for over a year is that when you go back to trade posts, you completely forget what the trade was or what you sent.

That’s just a side effect. I don’t really care what I sent over. If the cards were that important to […]

When You Can’t Buy Anything New

I’m sure all of us have been in a budget crunch situation multiple times in our lives. It’s only natural to see cash ebb as well as flow. I’m in the middle of an “ebb” cycle, and I’m expecting to stay firmly there until at least after the holidays.

That means no buying new cards. […]

It Builds Character. And Thickens Binders

There hasn’t been much movement on this blog for a while. I don’t like to see it sit and languish like this, but sometimes you have no other choice.

I could go through all the reasons why the posts each week have been slim-to-none, but why bore you with the same old stuff. You people […]

Buckle Up. It’s A Long Road

If you’re wondering why I haven’t posted in a week, maybe what you’re about to see will explain it. You’re going to be treated to a very short introduction this time, because I’m writing 3,000 words or so overall on this doozy of a trade. Things like this take time you know.

The cards below […]