Anniversary Cards From Years Past

This week marked my 6th wedding anniversary. That’s a very strange thing to think about. It doesn’t seem like it’s been that “long.” I remember the wedding quite vividly and even though I can mark various benchmarks and events on a timeline over the past six years if forced, my general impression is that it […]

Maddux Overload – 1996 Edition


The Dallas Cowboys won their third championship in 4 years (and haven’t won since).

Chicago, and Michael Jordan, returns to the NBA Finals to win their 4th title. This capped the record-breaking 72-10 season.

Devastation struck Atlanta when a bomb went off during the Summer Olympic games.

Stefi Graf, again, is one major away […]

Group Break Shipping Update and Show Off Post

New Business: I’m still working on getting the 2003 Leaf Box packed out and shipped to people. The first wave went out last week, next wave will go out tomorrow and the final wave should be by the end of the week. Thanks again to everyone for joining. We’ll dive into a couple of those […]

Buckle Up. It’s A Long Road

If you’re wondering why I haven’t posted in a week, maybe what you’re about to see will explain it. You’re going to be treated to a very short introduction this time, because I’m writing 3,000 words or so overall on this doozy of a trade. Things like this take time you know.

The cards below […]