A Few Good Group Breaks

2017 was a decent year for me on a personal level. Aside from the last couple months of the year, I did find myself with more free time from work than I had the past few years (although this new position is going to be even better and would be the normal 9-5 schedule a […]

Back From Vacation – Unpacking Some Clothes

The blog has been silent for a little while once again. Part of the reason for the lack of activity was that I went on a little vacation. I flew down to Atlanta to visit my brother and attend Dragon Con for the first time. Then I came back home and relaxed for the rest […]

Still Undeserved

A little over a month ago, I posted the first part of a very large trade package I received from reader Nick M. It’s taken a while to find the drive to finish this post as work is picking up again, my house is still experiencing issues that need attention, and holiday stuff is starting […]

It Builds Character. And Thickens Binders

There hasn’t been much movement on this blog for a while. I don’t like to see it sit and languish like this, but sometimes you have no other choice.

I could go through all the reasons why the posts each week have been slim-to-none, but why bore you with the same old stuff. You people […]