Still Undeserved

A little over a month ago, I posted the first part of a very large trade package I received from reader Nick M. It’s taken a while to find the drive to finish this post as work is picking up again, my house is still experiencing issues that need attention, and holiday stuff is starting […]


I know I’ve been questioning whether or not to continue the blog, but I can unquestioningly say that I’ve been extremely lucky with the bloggers and readers I’ve “met.” It’s a great community, and I highly recommend it to people that have the time. I’m very sorry that I haven’t for a while.

Nick M […]

2015 NSCC #5 – Terrible Short-Term Memory

The mind is a funny thing. I love my mind and take pride in my level of competence and ability to learn quickly.

However, the mind is also a disappointing thing, and an unreliable thing. I’ve quickly learned that I can’t rely on the short-term memory side of my brain.

That’s why I prepared for […]

Start Of The Year Clean-Up

How about them holidays, huh? I hope everyone had a good and relaxing season.

You did? Great! Now get back to work!

The time to sit on your ass and enjoy doing nothing is over.

Grab a broom and help me clean up. No need to wait till spring. I got all kinds of folders […]

Juuust About Caught Up

There have been a lot of trade posts on here recently. Don’t worry, they’re going to slow down soon. I’m juuust about caught up with my trade posts. Then the no-trading ban will be lifted and all will be right with the world again.

How many of you remember my Topps Community Break from a […]

Sporadic Posts, But Still Making Progress

Alright, I’m now into June for my scans. We’re getting somewhere! I might be able to make it into July before the end of the month if I’m lucky. We’ll see. Fingers are crossed.

Next on the list is this trade with Sam of “The Daily Dimwit” fame. Here we begin a trio of trades […]

I Bought A Repack Box

There. I said it. I’m not necessarily proud of it, but we’ve all been there.

I bought this in a particularly down time in my collecting life. I was on the hunt for some new NBA Sticker hotness (find my want/trade list on my trade page) and again had come up empty. I needed to […]

A Stupid Good Trade With The Daily Dimwit

This is me trying to get caught up on trade posts a little faster before my group break officially opens (possibly later tonight!!).

Back in the day, when I opened up my “birthday” box of 2009 OPC, I was able to finagle a few trades out of you guys out there. In fact, I think […]