Last Year’s Card Shop Visit

Back in April of last year, I had to go to Rockford where my company’s home office is for some office-wide training. That was pretty standard stuff, but also only lasted half of the day. They let everyone go home afterwards, which was fantastic. Since my home was over an hour away, I planned in […]

Documenting an Angel of a Trade – Part 5

Wow, it feels like it has been forever since I’ve put up a trade post. I feel like I’m behind on everything now. That’s only because I actually am. I’ve mentioned it before, but I have a couple newer trades that are now in line for appreciation and I’m hoping I can get to doing […]

2017 NSCC #4 – Hitting the Dimebox Hard – Heyward, Fowler, and Montero Edition

Here we are at the end of the dimebox glory. It’s probably no surprise that names like Bryant and Rizzo are absent from the titles. Maybe someday soon they will be, but there’s too much of a new player shine on them still. But, if Gwynn, Maddux and Thomas are in there now, with recent […]

Documenting an Angel of a Trade – Part 1

It’s trade post time! Looking back, it’s surprising how many trades I’ve been able to complete this year with relatively little effort. What’s even better is that nearly all of the trades have been quite large, which means I need multiple posts to get through everything you fine people have been sending me.

After I […]


I know I’ve been questioning whether or not to continue the blog, but I can unquestioningly say that I’ve been extremely lucky with the bloggers and readers I’ve “met.” It’s a great community, and I highly recommend it to people that have the time. I’m very sorry that I haven’t for a while.

Nick M […]

A Blogger’s Best Friend

We almost adopted a cat recently. We were planning to wait until we get a house, but while shopping for our parents’ pets, we saw this certain cat. He was 9 years old and was given up by his previous owners simply because they had a kid and didn’t want to take care of both.
