2010 Topps Series 2 Case Break

Well, we finally took the plunge. We did the math and we thought we could break even on a Topps Series 2 Jumbo case. Can we? Only time will tell… Obviously this video is just a taste- we’d never make anyone sit through an entire case break. The whole process took like 6 hours. It was exhausting, but awesome. Stay tuned for updates!

[Note: I got my first copyright notice ever on this video for my use of a Pop Will Eat Itself song. PWEI is one of my favorite bands of all time. They were a hilariously underrated British band of the late 80s/early 90s that scored like 2 top 200 songs over in the UK. Trent Reznor signed them to his nothing records label in 1994 and they released one album in the states (an epically awesome industrial-dance record called Dos Dedos Mis Amigos. Their singer, Clint Mansell, went on to be a top tier composer for films, scoring all of Aronofsky’s movies and a bunch of random ones too. His track Lux Aeterna from the Requiem for a Dream soundtrack is one of the most used music queues of all time- no joke. Apparently Universal owns the rights to all of Interscope/nothing records’ back catalog. If anyone but me is still buying PWEI stuff, they can sue the hell out of me.]

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