Can’t Spell “Really Big Card Trade” Without GCRL – Part 5 of 5

I have a couple trade irons in the fire and recently got a couple packages from people as well. I’ve been away for a couple weeks due to some work things and haven’t fully logged everything. I also need to get some return packages together when I can find a little bit of a chance. […]

ROYGBIV – Oranger

Baseball cards are wonderful things with a ton of variety. Some of that variety is from different manufacturers that employ techniques intended to set themselves apart from their competition. Some of that variety is from the same company attempting different product lines with themes intended to catch unique sub-sections of the collectors out there. Some, […]

Can’t Spell “Really Big Card Trade” Without GCRL – Part 2

I’ve talked about how I’m very close to being caught up with trades. While I still have three new packages left to show off, I figured it may be a good idea to do a couple “part twos” so that future trade posts aren’t just bouncing back and forth between the same couple older packages. […]

Surviving The Polar Vortex

I’m sure we’ve all heard about the polar vortex that hid the midwest this week. I’ve been through a few harsh winters, a couple of them have damaged my home and I’m just hoping that I’m protected well enough now.

As I write this, it is only -11 degrees F with a wind chill of […]

Can’t Spell “Really Big Card Trade” Without GCRL – Part 1

I’ve been lucky to have several trade partners this second half of the year. That second wave of trade bait worked better than I anticipated, to the point where I didn’t feel very prepared.

Clearly I’m not all that prepared to thank everyone quickly either, but hey, it’s something to work on in 2019. That […]

Put It All On Black Backgrounds

I’m still working on my next color coded post. I just need to format a couple more orange parallels and then write stuff about each one. It’s going to take more time that it sounds, and so today, we’re going to look into the void.

Join me on a journey into the emptiness that represents […]

2018 Cubs – Sixteenth Ten Games (+4)

So we’ve come to the end. I’m going to have one more post on the 2018 season to recap the overall player of the game counts and do whatever else I want. That should be interesting to me and me alone. Honestly, I’m just excited that I was able to actually make it through this […]

2018 Cubs – Thirteenth Ten Games

Having 7 straight days of trade bait means I’m slipping behind on this task again. We’re past the 150 game mark and the race is still tense as I write this. Hopefully there is a little more separation by the time this goes live.

For games 121-130, there was a small 3 game losing streak […]

Sammy Hits Another Home Run Of A Trade For Me

A couple of months ago, I showcased a trade with CubsFanStan where I sent him a few Sammy Sosa cards I had up on Sportlots and he gave me an assortment of good stuff.

Fast forward a little bit and Stan was opening packs on twitter, and a couple things peaked my interest. Not too […]

2018 Cubs – Twelfth Ten Games

I know I just posted the 11th installment of this a couple days ago, but I really do want to stay on top of this season as much as possible. I recognize that no one reads these posts anyway, so this is all about my own personal piece of mind. The division race is starting […]