Maddux Overload – 2000 Edition


The St. Louis Rams beat the Tennessee Titans to become NFL champions, making my college town in Southern Illinois freak out a bit.

The Los Angeles Lakers come back into the championship fold, giving Kobe his first title over the Pacers. On the WNBA side, the Houston Comets continue to dominate with their fourth […]

Forgot to Set My Watch, Man

Look, I ain’t no Harper Lee, but it sure feels like I’ve been making Cards on Cards wait a long time for the sequel to our trade post. For a refresher, here’s the first section with the oh so clever title. That post covered my other player collections. This one will be all Gwynn all […]

All For Naught #2

Our blog was down for who knows how long for who knows why after I posted the first of these. Here’s hoping the same fate doesn’t befall round two.

If you missed the first part, and don’t feel like going back, just know that I’m very grateful for the thoughtfulness and generosity of bloggers and […]

See, We’re Still A Normal Blog

Don’t let the whole retail shop thing throw you off too much, we’re still a typical blog at heart. I know we haven’t posted in a few days since the big announcement, but posts will go on as scheduled. The next time you read my words after this will be a returning feature, then I’ll […]

More Trade Post Catch-Up Featuring Rhubarb Runner

My second trade with Rhubarb Runner over at “e’ rayhahn, rayhahn” won’t be as cleverly written as the first, I’m afraid. You see, I’m getting desperately behind. There are a million things I want to be writing, but it’s getting down to crunch time for me. And I’m not just talking about the upcoming Community […]