Maddux Overload – 2000 Edition


The St. Louis Rams beat the Tennessee Titans to become NFL champions, making my college town in Southern Illinois freak out a bit.

The Los Angeles Lakers come back into the championship fold, giving Kobe his first title over the Pacers. On the WNBA side, the Houston Comets continue to dominate with their fourth […]

Are We Having Fun Yet? I Am!

Today’s trade post comes courtesy of Nolan’s Dugout. I made this trade with him over a year ago (as is going to be the case for most of the trades you’ll see), so I don’t really remember everything we’re going to see today. Kyle doesn’t blog very much, which is a shame because his posts […]

2015 NSCC #4 – We Are Good

We Are Good.

It’s such a simple statement. Yet, it’s an accurate one. I’m not sure which Cubs player started using it, but I think it’s overtaken the “Let’s Go” motto that the marketing companies got paid a pile of cash to create as the victory cry this year. And we’re crying a lot.

As […]

For the Greater Wood – Part 3

How long has it been since we last left my gigantic trade with reader Fred. If you missed the first part, and I imagine at this point most of you did, check out that post here. When you’re done with that, the second part can be seen here.

To conclude this particular trade (we’ll catch […]

Record Breaking Trade With The Record Keeper

When you think of a “true” card collector, what do you think of? What’s the criteria that pops into your mind?

Everyone collects in their own way, but that word “true” adds a certain qualifier that not everyone can meet. Perhaps to you it’s similar to a super collector. Maybe their collection is vast and […]